It takes a lot of heat to melt ice. The amount of heat required to melt one pound of ice (approximately one pint) Without raising its temperature would raise the temperature of four pounds of water (approximately one half gallon) 36 degrees fahrenheit.
Back in the 1930's, most persons didn't have refrigerators. They used ice boxes which kept the food cold only until the ice melted. Think of the world as a big ice box. The polar ice caps and glaciers are rapidly melting due to the greenhouse effect of the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. When there are no more polar ice caps and glaciers to take up the heat, the world will get hotter and stay hotter.
Raising ocean temperature only a few degrees can drastically affect weather patterns.
Here are the facts: Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere absorbs heat. Millions of tons of carbon dioxide are being pumped into the atmosphere each year. Once there, it can not be removed. Heavy snow fall does not necessarily equate to drastic decrease in average yearly temperature for the region. Many areas worldwide have experienced unusually hot summers.
It required several hundred million years to extract the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store it as fossil fuels in the ground. Once in the atmosphere, it will stay there. Even if a process could be developed to remove the carbon dioxide, the enormous energy required rules out any possibility of carrying this out. The laws of thermodynamics are clear: the amount of energy required for this process would have to be greater than all the energy provided by the original burning the fossil fuels!