Henry Morris, founder of the Institute for Creation Research:
There is not the slightest possibility that the facts of science can contradict the Bible, and therefore, there is no need to fear that a truly scientific comparison of any aspect of the two models of origins can ever yield a verdict in favor of evolution.
But the main reason for
insisting on the universal
Flood as a fact of history and as the primary vehicle for geological
interpretation is that God's
Word plainly teaches it! No geologic difficulties, real or imagined, can be
allowed to take
precedence over the clear statements and necessary inferences of Scripture.
Biblical Cosmology and Modern Science (1970) p.32-33
The only way we can determine the true age of the earth is for God to tell us what it is. And since He has told us, very plainly, in the Holy Scriptures that it is several thousand years in age, and no more, that ought to settle all basic questions of terrestrial chronology. p. 94, The Remarkable Birth of Planet Earth
The practice of homosexuality...is now is now considered not only acceptable but even desirable by most evolutionists. Back to Genesis, No. 140, August, 2000.
Emerson Thomas McMullen web page:
In the creationist web page entitled No Evidence for Creation-Scientists' Research and Darwinism , edited by Emerson Thomas McMullen (http://www2.gasou.edu/facstaff/etmcmull/Noev.htm), the following statement is "quoted" from Steven M. Stanley, The New Evolutionary Timetable, (New York: Basic Books, Inc., 1981), p. 73: ". . . no human has ever seen a new species form in nature."
This is a distortion of the original statement, which is:
Another difficulty is our inability to witness, at first hand, events that are rare even on a geological scale of time. Although some species have undoubtedly originated during our recorded history, no human has ever seen a new species form in nature.
Kent Hovind web page
The following quote is from Kent Hovind's web site, quoting from the The New Evolutionary Timetable, pp. 4, 96.
It was widely assumed that [Eohippus] had slowly but persistently turned into a more fully equine animal . . [but] the fossil species of Eohippus show little evidence of evolutionary modification . . [The fossil record] fails to document the full history of the horse family.
The following is the original text from which Hovind extracted the above quotes. The Hovind quotes are displayed in bold letters.
Page 4:
The fossil record of horses also testifies to an episodic tempo for evolution, and this is particularly notable because for decades the record of ancient horses was heralded as the classic illustration of gradual transformation. Although this fossil record, like all others, is incomplete, so that it fails to document the full history of the horse family, one of its striking revelations is great evolutionary stability for tiny dawn horses, which, as the earliest representatives of the horse family, browsed on leaves about forty million years ago. For at least three or four million years, two species of these dawn horses roamed through woodlands of western North America. In other words, populations of these small animals replicated themselves through a million generations or so without undergoing appreciable change in form.
Pages 95-96:
It is ironic that among the sluggishly changing species of the Bighorn Basin were members of the "dawn horse" genus Hyracotherium (formerly called Eohippus), the animal generally believed to be the distant ancestor of the modem horse. The fossil species of Hyracotherium show little evidence of evolutionary modification. One species lasted for at least three million years, and another for perhaps five million! For many years, while gradualistic thinking dominated evolutionary science, it was widely assumed that Hyracotherium had slowly but persistently turned into a more fully equine animal.
The new evidence for the stability of early Cenozoic species forces us to focus upon change by speciation involving small populations. Quantum speciation becomes our logical solution to the problem of the great mammalian radiation --a problem epitomized by the origin of bats and whales from small terrestrial mammals during twelve million years or less.